assigneeType property

ProjectComponentAssigneeType? assigneeType

The nominal user type used to determine the assignee for issues created with this component. See realAssigneeType for details on how the type of the user, and hence the user, assigned to issues is determined. Can take the following values:

  • PROJECT_LEAD the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the project the component is in.
  • COMPONENT_LEAD the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the component.
  • UNASSIGNED an assignee is not set for issues created with this component.
  • PROJECT_DEFAULT the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the default assignee for the project that the component is in.

Default value: PROJECT_DEFAULT. Optional when creating or updating a component.


final ProjectComponentAssigneeType? assigneeType;