bulkGetGroups method

Future<PageBeanGroupDetails> bulkGetGroups({
  1. int? startAt,
  2. int? maxResults,
  3. List<String>? groupId,
  4. List<String>? groupName,
  5. String? accessType,
  6. String? applicationKey,

Returns a paginated list of groups.

Permissions required: Browse users and groups global permission.


Future<PageBeanGroupDetails> bulkGetGroups(
    {int? startAt,
    int? maxResults,
    List<String>? groupId,
    List<String>? groupName,
    String? accessType,
    String? applicationKey}) async {
  return PageBeanGroupDetails.fromJson(await _client.send(
    queryParameters: {
      if (startAt != null) 'startAt': '$startAt',
      if (maxResults != null) 'maxResults': '$maxResults',
      if (groupId != null) 'groupId': groupId.map((e) => e).join(','),
      if (groupName != null) 'groupName': groupName.map((e) => e).join(','),
      if (accessType != null) 'accessType': accessType,
      if (applicationKey != null) 'applicationKey': applicationKey,