AndroidIntent constructor

const AndroidIntent({
  1. String? action,
  2. List<int>? flags,
  3. String? category,
  4. String? data,
  5. Map<String, dynamic>? arguments,
  6. Map<String, List>? arrayArguments,
  7. String? package,
  8. String? componentName,
  9. Platform? platform,
  10. String? type,

Builds an Android intent with the following parameters action refers to the action parameter of the intent. flags is the list of int that will be converted to native flags. category refers to the category of the intent, can be null. data refers to the string format of the URI that will be passed to intent. arguments is the map that will be converted into an extras bundle and passed to the intent. arrayArguments is a map that will be converted into an extra bundle as in an array and passed to the intent. package refers to the package parameter of the intent, can be null. componentName refers to the component name of the intent, can be null. If not null, then package but also be provided. type refers to the type of the intent, can be null.


const AndroidIntent({
  Platform? platform,
})  : assert(action != null || componentName != null,
          'action or component (or both) must be specified'),
      _channel = const MethodChannel(_kChannelName),
      _platform = platform ?? const LocalPlatform();