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Results9 packages owned by tienisto.com
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Localization / Internationalization (i18n) solution. Use JSON, YAML, CSV, or ARB files to create typesafe translations via source generation.#i18n#localization#internationalization#translation
Flutter support for slang. This library provides helpful Flutter API.
Add names to routes without a declarative pattern and without build_runner
Use GPT to automatically translate at compile time. A tool for slang.
build_runner integration for slang. This library ensures that slang is recognized by build_runner.
Generate environment variables from a .env file at compile time with optional obfuscation.#env#api#token#encryption#obfuscation
High performance CSV encoder and decoder with retained types and nullability.#csv#serialization#deserialization#encode#decode
Reactive, model-driven, and type-safe forms for Flutter without the overhead of managing a TextEditingController. A light wrapper around Flutter's TextFormField.#forms#input#reactive#model-driven#type-safe
A utility library to help developing command-line applications in Dart. Provides screen manipulation, ANSI escape codes, and more.#console#ansi#cli#terminal