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An easy to use and extendable logging package for Dart. Especially useful for use in libraries, as it allows applications to control logging from the imported libraries.
Simple i18n solution for dart and flutter. Uses code generation to generate translations as dart classes. Efficient and works with autocomplete!
A super fast key value store built on top of the isar database.
A collection of helper classes to make the use of ChangeNotifier easier for state management
Result class that stops errors from throwing by returning either a value or an error
Making blocs easy again. A simplified library for the original bloc approach.
Parse and format to LCOV your code coverage reports. The best way to share your code coverage stats.
Make bloc easy again! A simple and low boilerplate implementation of the bloc state management pattern. Includes extras to work with blocs like testing, monitoring and persistence.
Simple Dart library to work with Hasura GraphQL backends.