geolocator 1.6.4 copy "geolocator: ^1.6.4" to clipboard
geolocator: ^1.6.4 copied to clipboard


Geolocation plugin for Flutter. This plugin provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API for generic location (GPS etc.) functions.

[1.6.4] #

  • Added support to supply a locale when using the placemarkFromAddress and placemarkFromCoordinates methods.
  • Depracated the static method checkGeolocationStatus in favor of the instance method checkGeolocationPermissionStatus (the static version will be removed in version 2.0 of the Geolocator plugin).

[1.6.3] #

  • Added feature to check the availability of Google Play services on the device (using the checkGooglePlayServicesAvailability method). This will allow developers to implement a more user friendly experience regarding the usage of Google Play services (for more information see the article Set Up Google Play Services);
  • Fixed the error 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Future<dynamic>' on Flutter 0.6.2 and higher (thanks @fawadkhanucp for reporting the issue and solution);
  • Fixed an error when calling the getCurrentPosition, getPositionStream, placemarkFromAddress and placemarkFromCoordinates from an Android background service (thanks @sestegra for reporting the issue and creating a pull-request).

[1.6.2] #

  • Hot fix to solve cast exception

[1.6.1] #

  • Fixed a bug which caused stationary location updates not to be streamed when using the new FusedLocationProviderClient on Android (thanks @audkar for the PR).

[1.6.0] #

  • Use the Location Services (through the FusedLocationProviderClient) on Android if available, otherwise fallback to the LocationManager class;
  • Make sure that on Android the last know location is returned immediately on the stream when requesting location updates through the getPositionStream method;
  • Updated documentation on adding location permissions on Android.

[1.5.0] #

  • It is now possible to check the location permissions using the checkGeolocationStatus method [ISSUE #51].
  • Improved the example App [ISSUE #54]
  • Solved a bug on Android causing a memory leak when you stop listening to the position stream.
  • breaking Solved a bug on Android where permissions could be requested more then once simultaniously [ISSUE #58]
  • Solved a bug on Android where requesting permissions twice would cause the App to crash [ISSUE #61]


To be able to correctly fix issue #58 we had to change the getPositionStream method into a async method. This means the signature of the method has been changed from:

Stream<Position> getPositionStream([LocationOptions locationOptions = const LocationOptions()])


Future<Stream<Position>> getPositionStream([LocationOptions locationOptions = const LocationOptions()]).

Meaning as a developer you'll now have to await the result of the method to get access to the actual stream.

[1.4.0] #

  • Added feature to query the last known location that is stored on the device using the getLastKnownLocation method;
  • breaking Renamed the getPosition to getCurrentPosition;
  • Fixed bug where calling getCurrentPosition on Android resulted in returning the last known location;
  • breaking Renamed methods toPlacemark and fromPlacemark respectively to the, more meaningfull names, placemarkFromAddress and placemarkFromCoordinates;

[1.3.1] #

  • Added support for iOS kCLLocationAccurayBestForNavigation (defaults to best when on Android).

[1.3.0] #

  • Added the option to check the distance between two geocoordinates (using the distanceBetween method).

[1.2.2] #

  • Make sure that an Android App using the plugin is informed when the platform stops transmitting location updates.

[1.2.1] #

  • Added feature to throttle the amount of locations updates based on a supplied distance filter.


This introduces a breaking change since the signature of the getPositionStream has changed from getPositionStream(LocationAccuracy accuracy) to getPositionStream(LocationOptions locationOptions) .

  • Made some small changes to ensure the plugin no longer is depending on JAVA 8, meaning the plugin will run using the default Android configuration.

[1.2.0] #

  • Added support to translate an address into geocoordinates and vice versa (a.k.a. Geocoding). See the file for more information.

[1.1.2] #

  • Fixed reported formatting issues

[1.1.1] #

  • Fixed a warning generated by xCode when compiling the example project (see issue #28)
  • Fixed some warnings generated by Dart static code analyser, improving code quality

[1.1.0] #

  • Introduced the option to supply a desired accuracy.


This introduces a breaking change, the getPosition and onPositionChanged properties have been replaced by methods (getPosition([LocationAccuracy desiredAccuracy = LocationAccuracy.Best]) and getPositionStream([LocationAccuracy desiredAccuracy = LocationAccuracy.Best]) respectively) accepting a parameter to indicate the desired accuracy.

[1.0.0] #

  • Updated documentation
  • API defined stable

[0.0.2] #

  • Solved problem with missing geolocator-Swift.h header file (see also issue Flutter#16049).

[0.0.1] #

  • Initial release
pub points



Geolocation plugin for Flutter. This plugin provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API for generic location (GPS etc.) functions.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, meta, permission_handler


Packages that depend on geolocator