Results205 packages
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Plugin that allow Flutter to communicate with a native Webview.
Plugin that allow Flutter to communicate with a native Webview and keeps .
OpenStreetMap Plugin Native for flutter apps (Andoird/iOS/web)
Plugin that allow Flutter to communicate with a multiple native Webviews.
A sub plug-in of flutter_web_optimizer,used to upload resources to cos
Unofficial Braze Plugin for Flutter for Web. It is mostly a Flutter Web Plugin acting as a wrapper around the official Braze Web SDK.
Flutter package for Google libphonenumber, for Android and Web. Uses Flutter Federated Package for interoperability.
Jitsi Meet Web Plugin. A plugin for integrating open source Jitsi Meet API in flutter.
Flutter bindings and tools for utilizing Datadog Mobile SDks
Flutter WebRTC plugin for iOS/Android/Destkop/Web, based on GoogleWebRTC.

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