Results43 packages
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This repository contains oficial implementation of WalletConnect v2 protocols for Flutter applications. The communications protocol for web3.
Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP-20 Token Standard.
A dart library that wraps the Ethereum Name Service. It enables users and developers to use human-friendly names in place of error-prone hexadecimal addresses, content hashes, and more.
Web3 signers provides a uniform interface for signing EIP-1271 messages with different EC algorithms.#ethereum#wallets#passkey#secure-enclave
Fuse Wallet SDK now has a Dart implementation, making it even easier to integrate blockchain technology into your mobile apps.
Dart package to assist smooth development on VeChain for developers and hobbyists.
A libary that helps you generate memonic phrase, and connect to the etherium blockchain using web3dart Client
Extension of the web3dart package that includes the dart contract generator from abi.
An Account Abstraction (4337) Development kit, for quickly building mobile web3 apps and smart wallets.#wallets#ethereum#web3#account-abstraction
XMTP client SDK for Flutter applications.

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