Results73 packages
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Superpowers for Dart. Collection of useful static extension methods.
A Dart library containing convenient extension methods on basic Dart objects.
Build powerful LLM-based Dart and Flutter applications with LangChain.dart.#ai#nlp#llms#langchain
A Flutter widget that enables text selection over all the text widgets it contains.
A BDD-style widget testing library. Generates Flutter widget tests from *.feature files.
Provides a set of String related aimed at extending the core String class and provide safer methods for working with nullable strings and strings in general.
A flutter package project which contains a collection of cool and beautiful text animations.
Couchbase Lite is an embedded, NoSQL JSON Document Style database, supporting Blobs, Encryption, SQL++ Queries, Live Queries, Full-Text Search and Data Sync.
More Dart — Literally. Collecting, iterating, caching, mathematics, matching, ordering, and formatting easily.#collections#data-structures#functional#graph#unicode
A helper library for command-line applications that need more control over input/output than the standard library provides.

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