Results1349 packages
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Flutter plugin for opening and saving files, or selecting directories, using native file selection UI.#files#file-selection#file-selector
A Flutter package to let you select files on the Web platform.#files#file-selection#file-selector#web#ios
Select2dot1 give you a fully customizable single/multiple select box with support for searching, group option, extra info and avatar. Works using overlay and modal.
A package that will help you to create multi selection filter dialog in Flutter.
This package allows you to scroll/select the value directly from the dropdown with less effort and time.
A Flutter select form field widget. It shows a list of options in a dropdown menu.
An Emoji picker component for Flutter with the latest set of emojis. The current version supports Emoji version 15.
A generic item selector that works with ListView, GridView, Row, Column, or basically any parent widget that can have indexed child widgets.
Web html select option with serverside, look like select2 library
A Flutter package that provides a customizable multiselect dropdown widget.

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