Results1988 packages
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A super simple dependency injection implementation for flutter that behaves like any normal IOC container and does not rely on mirrors
Generate image provider from svg path, uses flutter_svg and http (for network paths) as a dependency.
Smart project structure with dependency injection and route management
Integrating with 'get_it,' it efficiently manages Flutter project dependencies, providing robust page control, route management, and module flexibility#dependency-injection#di#injection#router#routing
dependency injection for flutter. inject factories or singletons. Easy to develop, easy to test.
A powerful State Management, Dependency Injection, Reactive programming and Navigation for Flutter apps.
Fully customizable OTP Entry TextField for flutter, Widget accepts pin of any length. Its written in pure dart, no extra dependency.
A lightweight, flexible, and high-performance dependency injection and service location library for Flutter
Persona Inquiry for Flutter. Integrates the native v2 SDKs for iOS and Android.#persona#inquiry
The Map Camera flutter package provides a convenient way to capture images with map and location data using the device's camera.

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