redux_thunk library


An interface that can be implemented by end-users to create a class-based ThunkAction.
CallableThunkActionWithExtraArgument<S, A>
An interface that can be implemented by end-users to create a class-based ThunkActionWithExtraArgument.
ExtraArgumentThunkMiddleware<S, A>
The ExtraArgumentThunkMiddleware works exactly like the normal thunkMiddleware with one difference: It injects the provided "extra argument" into all Thunk functions.


thunkMiddleware<State>(Store<State> store, dynamic action, NextDispatcher next) → dynamic
The thunkMiddleware intercepts and calls ThunkActions, which is simply a fancy name for any function that takes 1 argument: a Redux Store. This allows you to dispatch functions (aka ThunkActions) to your Store that can perform asynchronous work, then dispatch actions using the Store after the work is complete.


ThunkAction<State> = dynamic Function(Store<State> store)
A function that can be dispatched as an action to a Redux Store and intercepted by the the thunkMiddleware. It can be used to delay the dispatch of an action, or to dispatch only if a certain condition is met.
ThunkActionWithExtraArgument<S, A> = dynamic Function(Store<S> store, A extraArgument)
A function that can be dispatched as an action to a Redux Store and intercepted by the the ExtraArgumentThunkMiddleware. It can be used to delay the dispatch of an action, or to dispatch only if a certain condition is met.