MessageFormatter<State> typedef

MessageFormatter<State> = String Function(State state, dynamic action, DateTime timestamp)

A function that formats the message that will be logged. By default, the action, state, and timestamp will be printed on a single line.

This package ships with two formatters out of the box:


// Create a formatter that only prints out the dispatched action
String onlyLogActionFormatter<State>(
    State state,
    DateTime timestamp,
    ) {
  return '{Action: $action}';

// Create your middleware using the formatter.
final middleware = new LoggingMiddleware(formatter: onlyLogActionFormatter);

// Add the middleware to your Store
final store = new Store<int>(
      (int state, action) => state + 1,
  initialState: 0,
  middleware: [middleware],


typedef MessageFormatter<State> = String Function(
  State state,
  dynamic action,
  DateTime timestamp,