functional library


wholeNumbers Iterable<int>
All integers starting at zero.


enumerate<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, void func(int, T)) → void
Performs like forEach but invokes func with an enumeration.
followedByOne<T>(Iterable<T> ts, T value) Iterable<T>
Adds value to the end of ts.
indexMap<T, U>(Iterable<T> iterable, U func(int index, T value)) Iterable<U>
A map function that calls the function with an enumeration as well as the value.
map2<T, U, V>(Iterable<T> ts, Iterable<U> us, V func(T t, U u)) Iterable<V>
A map function that takes in 2 iterables. The Iterables must be of equal length.
map3<T, U, V, W>(Iterable<T> ts, Iterable<U> us, Iterable<W> ws, V func(T t, U u, W w)) Iterable<V>
A map function that takes in 3 iterables. The Iterables must be of equal length.
repeat<T>(T item, int n) Iterable<T>
Repeats an item n times.