octo_image library


Helper class with pre-made OctoErrorBuilders. These can be directly used when creating an image. For example: OctoImage( image: NetworkImage('https://dummyimage.com/600x400/000/fff'), errorBuilder: OctoError.icon(), );
OctoImage can be used as a replacement of Image. It can be used with any ImageProvider, but works best with CachedNetworkImageProvider. OctoImage can show a placeholder or progress and an error. It can also do transformations on the shown image. This all can be simplified by using a complete OctoSet with predefined combinations of OctoPlaceholderBuilder, OctoImageBuilder and OctoErrorBuilder.
Helper class with pre-made OctoImageBuilders. These can be directly used when creating an image. For example: OctoImage( image: NetworkImage('https://dummyimage.com/600x400/000/fff'), imageBuilder: OctoImageTransformer.circleAvatar(), );
OctoPlaceholders are predefined OctoPlaceholderBuilders that can easily be used for the OctoImage. For example: OctoImage( image: NetworkImage('https://dummyimage.com/600x400/000/fff'), placeholderBuilder: OctoPlaceholder.circularProgressIndicator(), );
Predefined set of OctoProgressIndicatorBuilders. For example: OctoImage( image: NetworkImage('https://dummyimage.com/600x400/000/fff'), progressIndicatorBuilder: OctoProgressIndicator.circularProgressIndicator(), );
OctoSets are predefined combinations of a OctoPlaceholderBuilder, OctoProgressIndicatorBuilder, OctoImageBuilder and/or OctoErrorBuilder. All sets have at least a placeholder or progress indicator and an error builder.


OctoErrorBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Object error, StackTrace? stackTrace)
OctoImageBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child)
OctoPlaceholderBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context)
OctoProgressIndicatorBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ImageChunkEvent? progress)