convertColor function

Color convertColor(
  1. Color c, {
  2. Color? to,
  3. Format? format,
  4. int? numChannels,
  5. num? alpha,


Color convertColor(Color c,
    {Color? to, Format? format, int? numChannels, num? alpha}) {
  final fromFormat = c.palette?.format ?? c.format;
  format = to?.format ?? format ?? c.format;
  numChannels = to?.length ?? numChannels ?? c.length;
  alpha ??= 0;

  if (format == fromFormat && numChannels == c.length) {
    if (to == null) {
      return c.clone();
    return to;

  switch (format) {
    case Format.uint8:
      final c2 = to ?? ColorUint8(numChannels);
      return _convertColor(c, c2, alpha);
    case Format.uint1:
      final c2 = to ?? ColorUint1(numChannels);
      return _convertColor(c, c2, alpha);
    case Format.uint2:
      final c2 = to ?? ColorUint2(numChannels);
      return _convertColor(c, c2, alpha);
    case Format.uint4:
      final c2 = to ?? ColorUint4(numChannels);
      return _convertColor(c, c2, alpha);
    case Format.uint16:
      final c2 = to ?? ColorUint16(numChannels);
      return _convertColor(c, c2, alpha);
    case Format.uint32:
      final c2 = to ?? ColorUint32(numChannels);
      return _convertColor(c, c2, alpha);
    case Format.int8:
      final c2 = to ?? ColorInt8(numChannels);
      return _convertColor(c, c2, alpha);
    case Format.int16:
      final c2 = to ?? ColorInt16(numChannels);
      return _convertColor(c, c2, alpha);
    case Format.int32:
      final c2 = to ?? ColorInt32(numChannels);
      return _convertColor(c, c2, alpha);
    case Format.float16:
      final c2 = to ?? ColorFloat16(numChannels);
      return _convertColor(c, c2, alpha);
    case Format.float32:
      final c2 = to ?? ColorFloat32(numChannels);
      return _convertColor(c, c2, alpha);
    case Format.float64:
      final c2 = to ?? ColorFloat64(numChannels);
      return _convertColor(c, c2, alpha);