contrast function

Image contrast(
  1. Image src, {
  2. required num contrast,
  3. Image? mask,
  4. Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance,

Set the contrast level for the image src.

contrast values below 100 will decrees the contrast of the image, and values above 100 will increase the contrast. A contrast of of 100 will have no affect.


Image contrast(Image src,
    {required num contrast,
    Image? mask,
    Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) {
  if (contrast == 100.0) {
    return src;

  if (contrast != _lastContrast) {
    _lastContrast = contrast;

    contrast = contrast / 100.0;
    contrast = contrast * contrast;
    _contrast = Uint8List(256);
    for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
      _contrast[i] = (((((i / 255.0) - 0.5) * contrast) + 0.5) * 255.0)
          .clamp(0, 255)

  for (final frame in src.frames) {
    for (final p in frame) {
      final msk = mask?.getPixel(p.x, p.y).getChannelNormalized(maskChannel);
      if (msk == null) {
          ..r = _contrast[p.r as int]
          ..g = _contrast[p.g as int]
          ..b = _contrast[p.b as int];
      } else {
          ..r = mix(p.r, _contrast[p.r as int], msk)
          ..g = mix(p.g, _contrast[p.g as int], msk)
          ..b = mix(p.b, _contrast[p.b as int], msk);

  return src;