bumpToNormal function

Image bumpToNormal(
  1. Image src, {
  2. num strength = 2.0,

Generate a normal map from a heightfield bump image.

The red channel of the src image is used as an input, 0 represents a low height and 1 a high value. The optional strength parameter allows to set the strength of the normal image.


Image bumpToNormal(Image src, {num strength = 2.0}) {
  final dest = Image.from(src);

  final mx = src.maxChannelValue;
  for (final frame in src.frames) {
    for (var y = 0; y < frame.height; ++y) {
      for (var x = 0; x < frame.width; ++x) {
        final height = frame.getPixel(x, y).r / mx;
        var du = (height -
                frame.getPixel(x < frame.width - 1 ? x + 1 : x, y).r / mx) *
        var dv = (height -
                frame.getPixel(x, y < frame.height - 1 ? y + 1 : y).r / mx) *
        final z = du.abs() + dv.abs();

        if (z > 1) {
          du /= z;
          dv /= z;

        final dw = sqrt(1.0 - du * du - dv * dv);
        final nX = du * 0.5 + 0.5;
        final nY = dv * 0.5 + 0.5;
        final nZ = dw;

            .setPixelRgb(x, y, nX * mx, nY * mx, nZ * mx);

  return dest;