dark static method

ThemeData dark({
  1. FlexSchemeColor? colors,
  2. FlexScheme? scheme,
  3. ColorScheme? colorScheme,
  4. int usedColors = 6,
  5. FlexSurfaceMode? surfaceMode,
  6. int blendLevel = 0,
  7. FlexAppBarStyle? appBarStyle,
  8. double? appBarOpacity,
  9. bool transparentStatusBar = true,
  10. double? appBarElevation,
  11. double? bottomAppBarElevation,
  12. FlexTabBarStyle? tabBarStyle,
  13. Color? primary,
  14. Color? primaryContainer,
  15. Color? secondary,
  16. Color? secondaryContainer,
  17. Color? tertiary,
  18. Color? tertiaryContainer,
  19. Color? error,
  20. Color? surface,
  21. Color? background,
  22. Color? scaffoldBackground,
  23. Color? dialogBackground,
  24. Color? appBarBackground,
  25. Color? onPrimary,
  26. Color? onPrimaryContainer,
  27. Color? onSecondary,
  28. Color? onSecondaryContainer,
  29. Color? onTertiary,
  30. Color? onTertiaryContainer,
  31. Color? onSurface,
  32. Color? onBackground,
  33. Color? onError,
  34. Color? surfaceTint,
  35. bool darkIsTrueBlack = false,
  36. bool swapColors = false,
  37. bool tooltipsMatchBackground = false,
  38. FlexSubThemesData? subThemesData,
  39. FlexKeyColors? keyColors,
  40. bool useMaterial3ErrorColors = false,
  41. FlexTones? tones,
  42. VisualDensity? visualDensity,
  43. TextTheme? textTheme,
  44. TextTheme? primaryTextTheme,
  45. String? fontFamily,
  46. List<String>? fontFamilyFallback,
  47. String? package,
  48. MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize,
  49. PageTransitionsTheme? pageTransitionsTheme,
  50. InteractiveInkFeatureFactory? splashFactory,
  51. TargetPlatform? platform,
  52. Typography? typography,
  53. bool applyElevationOverlayColor = true,
  54. bool useMaterial3 = false,
  55. bool swapLegacyOnMaterial3 = false,
  56. Iterable<ThemeExtension>? extensions,

Returns a ThemeData object defined by factory FlexColorScheme.dark and its FlexColorScheme.toTheme method.


static ThemeData dark({
  /// The [FlexSchemeColor] that we will create the dark [FlexColorScheme]
  /// from.
  /// You can use predefined [FlexSchemeColor] values from [FlexColor] or
  /// [FlexColor.schemes] map or define your own colors with
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] or [FlexSchemeColor.from].
  /// For using built-in color schemes, the convenience shortcut to select
  /// it with the [scheme] property is recommended and leaving [colors]
  /// undefined. If both are specified the scheme colors defined by [colors]
  /// are used. If both are null then [scheme] defaults to
  /// [FlexScheme.material], thus defining the resulting scheme.
  final FlexSchemeColor? colors,

  /// Use one of the built-in color schemes defined by enum [FlexScheme].
  /// Give it one of the enum values to use the scheme, like eg.
  /// [FlexScheme.mandyRed].
  /// To create custom color schemes use the [colors] property. If both
  /// [colors] and [scheme] are specified, the scheme defined by
  /// [colors] is used. If both are null, then [scheme] defaults to
  /// [FlexScheme.material].
  final FlexScheme? scheme,

  /// The overall [ColorScheme] based colors for the theme.
  /// This property provides a new way to define custom colors for
  /// [FlexColorScheme] and is available from version 4.2.0. It is useful if
  /// you already have a custom [ColorScheme] based color definition that
  /// you want to use with FlexColorScheme theming and its sub-theming
  /// capabilities.
  /// If you provide both a [ColorScheme] and some individual direct property
  /// values that also exist in a [ColorScheme], the individual property
  /// values will override the corresponding ones in your [ColorScheme].
  /// If you do not define a [colorScheme], the used colors will be determined
  /// by the [colors] and [scheme] properties. However, when a [colorScheme]
  /// is defined it takes precedence. The [brightness] in the provided
  /// [colorScheme] is always ignored and set to [Brightness.dark] since this
  /// is the dark theme mode factory. Make sure the colors used in your color
  /// scheme are intended for a dark theme.
  /// If you define a [surfaceMode] and set [blendLevel] > 0, then [surface],
  /// [surfaceVariant], [background] and [inverseSurface] colors in the
  /// provided [colorScheme] will be overridden by the computed color branded
  /// surfaces. If your [colorScheme] already contains branded surface colors,
  /// then keep [blendLevel] = 0 to continue using them.
  /// If you use [darkIsTrueBlack] factory feature, it will also override your
  /// [colorScheme] based mentioned color properties above and make them
  /// 5% darker.
  /// If you opt in on using sub themes with and have set
  /// [subThemesData.blendOnColors] to true and have defined [surfaceMode]
  /// and set [blendLevel] > 0, then the effective color scheme based on
  /// colors onPrimary, onSecondary, onError, onSurface and onBackground will
  /// be changed accordingly too.
  /// The [colorScheme] colors are also included and affected by factory
  /// properties [usedColors] and [swapColors] and included in their behavior.
  /// The [FlexColorScheme]'s effective [ColorScheme] can be returned with
  /// [toScheme]. This will always get you a complete color scheme, including
  /// calculated and derived color values, which is particularly useful when
  /// using the [FlexColorScheme.light] and [FlexColorScheme.dark] factories
  /// to compute color scheme branded surface colors for you. The effective
  /// [ColorScheme] for your theme is often needed if you want to create
  /// custom sub-themes that should use the colors from the scheme using none
  /// default color assignments from the color scheme.
  final ColorScheme? colorScheme,

  /// The selection of the six main scheme colors to be used when creating
  /// effective [ColorScheme].
  /// This is a convenience property that allows you to vary which colors to
  /// use of the primary, secondary and tertiary colors and their container
  /// colors when FlexSchemeColor creates its effective [ColorScheme] from
  /// the input colors. The integer number corresponds to using:
  /// * 1 = Only the primary color
  /// * 2 = Primary & Secondary colors
  /// * 3 = Primary + container & Secondary colors
  /// * 4 = Primary + container & Secondary + container
  /// * 5 = Primary + container & Secondary + container & tertiary colors
  /// * 6 = Primary + container & Secondary + container & tertiary + container
  /// * 7 = Primary, Secondary and tertiary, container colors computed.
  /// By default the value is 6 and all main scheme colors in
  /// `FlexSchemeColor` are used.
  /// The integer value is not a very obvious property to use to configure
  /// this feature. Future version may improve it. However with the Themes
  /// Playground you don't have to remember what number does what.
  /// When the value is 1, the result is the same as if we would have
  /// created the colors with [FlexSchemeColor.from] by only giving it the
  /// required primary color. With 2, it is equivalent to as if we would have
  /// given it only the primary and secondary colors, and so on.
  /// This property makes it possible to simulate and change the resulting
  /// [FlexColorScheme] to as if you would have specified 1, 2, 3 ... 7 of
  /// the color selection. If your used [FlexColorScheme] `colors` was
  /// actually created with [FlexSchemeColor.from] with only the primary
  /// color defined, then changing the value from 7 ... 3, 2 or 1, will
  /// all produce the same effective scheme as the computed values will be
  /// the same as the [FlexSchemeColor.from] is using to compute any main
  /// missing scheme color values.
  final int usedColors = 6,

  /// Blends theme colors into surfaces and backgrounds.
  /// If defined, used mode overrides the older [surfaceStyle]
  /// property setting. Prefer using [surfaceMode] over [surfaceStyle],
  /// it offers more color branded surface modes and separate control over
  /// the used branding level via the separate [blendLevel] property.
  /// The mode [FlexSurfaceMode.highBackgroundLowScaffold] can be used to
  /// replace the style that is produced when using
  /// [FlexColorScheme.surfaceStyle] enum property [FlexSurface] in
  /// [FlexColorScheme.light] and [FlexColorScheme.dark]. The mode
  /// [FlexSurfaceMode.highBackgroundLowScaffold] uses the same design concept
  /// as the only style offered by [FlexSurface] in
  /// [FlexColorScheme.surfaceStyle] in use before version 4.
  /// By adjusting the [FlexColorScheme.blendLevel] property and using this
  /// style, you can find a similar visual effect when using
  /// [FlexSurfaceMode.highBackgroundLowScaffold] with the following values
  /// when matching match most prominent blended [ColorScheme.background]
  /// color.
  /// In light theme mode:
  /// * [FlexSurface.material] 0% : blendLevel = 0
  /// * [FlexSurface.light]    2% : blendLevel = 3...4
  /// * [FlexSurface.medium]   4% : blendLevel = 7
  /// * [FlexSurface.strong]   6% : blendLevel = 10
  /// * [FlexSurface.heavy]    8% : blendLevel = 13...14
  /// In dark theme mode:
  /// * [FlexSurface.material] 0% : blendLevel = 0
  /// * [FlexSurface.light]    5% : blendLevel = 8
  /// * [FlexSurface.medium]   8% : blendLevel = 13...14
  /// * [FlexSurface.strong]  11% : blendLevel = 19
  /// * [FlexSurface.heavy]   14% : blendLevel = 23
  /// Since there it is not the same relationship between background and
  /// surface, when using the older [FlexSurface] based style, that uses
  /// individually tuned relationships. The old and new designs do never
  /// align exactly at any blendLevel. The above values produce visually
  /// similar results for the most prominent background color blend.
  /// To get elevation overlay color in dark themes on all surfaces used by
  /// [Material], use one of the modes where background and dialog color
  /// equals the blend strength on surface color, like [level],
  /// [levelSurfacesLowScaffold], [highScaffoldLowSurfaces] and
  /// [highScaffoldLowSurfaces]. Other modes will only use
  /// elevation overlay if their background happens to be equal to resulting
  /// colorScheme.surface color. For more information
  /// see issue: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/90353
  /// When using very strong surface branding in dark mode, having an overlay
  /// elevation color in dark mode is less critical, since the elevation
  /// becomes partially visible via shadows and the surface may even have
  /// another color tint if using e.g. [levelSurfacesLowScaffoldVariantDialog]
  /// or [highScaffoldLowSurfacesVariantDialog].
  /// If values for the properties [surface], [background],
  /// [dialogBackground] or [scaffoldBackground] are given,
  /// they are used instead of values that would be assigned based
  /// on used [FlexSurfaceMode] via [surfaceMode] or [FlexSurface] in
  /// this [surfaceMode].
  final FlexSurfaceMode? surfaceMode,

  /// When [surfaceMode] is defined, this sets the blend level strength used
  /// by the surface mode.
  /// The blend level is the integer decimal value of the alpha value
  /// used in the alpha blend function. It mixes one color with another
  /// by using alpha opacity value in the color of a surface put on top of
  /// another surface with opaque color and returns the result as one opaque
  /// color.
  /// Defaults to 0.
  final int blendLevel = 0,

  /// Style used to define the themed color of the [AppBar] background color.
  /// Defaults to null, which when [useMaterial3] is false results in
  /// [FlexAppBarStyle.material] which produces the same results
  /// as a Flutter standard M2 dark [ThemeData.from] by tying the app bar
  /// color to the M2 dark Material color. If [useMaterial3] is true it
  /// defaults [FlexAppBarStyle.surface] which is the same as M3 default.
  final FlexAppBarStyle? appBarStyle,

  /// Themed [AppBar] opacity.
  /// The opacity is applied to the effective AppBar color, which may be from
  /// used [appBarStyle], that gets its color selection from used [scheme]
  /// or [colors]. Or that color may have been overridden by AppBar sub-theme
  /// and there selected [SchemeColor] based color.
  /// Lastly and with highest priority it may be from here directly supplied
  /// [appBarBackground] color.
  /// A useful opacity range is from 0.85 to 0.95 when using the [Scaffold]
  /// property [extendBodyBehindAppBar] set to true, to partially show
  /// scrolling content behind the app bar. To use more opacity, in a way
  /// that the AppBar does not become too transparent, you also need to blur
  /// the background to create a frosted glass effect. This cannot
  /// be made with only theming, you need a custom AppBar Widget for that.
  /// Frosted glass UI effect is thus beyond the scope of what
  /// FlexColorScheme can do alone as it only affects ThemeData.
  /// If null, defaults to 1, fully opaque, no transparency.
  /// If not null, must be from 0 to 1.
  final double? appBarOpacity,

  /// When set to true, it makes the status bar on Android the same color as
  /// the rest of the AppBar.
  /// Defaults to true.
  /// When true, the AppBar in Android mimics the look of one-toned AppBar's
  /// typically used on iOS. Set to `false`, to revert back and use
  /// Android's default two-toned look. If true the status bar area is
  /// actually also transparent so that if the app bar is also translucent,
  /// content that scrolls behind it, is also visible behind the status
  /// bar area.
  final bool transparentStatusBar = true,

  /// The themed elevation for the [AppBar].
  /// If not defined, defaults to 0 in M2 (FCS opinionated) and to 0 in (M3
  /// spec default).
  /// The FCS 0dp elevation in M2 is an iOS style influenced opinionated
  /// choice, it can easily be adjusted for the theme with this property.
  final double? appBarElevation,

  /// The themed elevation for the [BottomAppBar].
  /// If undefined (null), defaults to 3 in M3 mode and to 8 in M2 mode,
  /// both via the defaults for the respective theme mode
  final double? bottomAppBarElevation,

  /// Select preferred style for the default [TabBarTheme].
  /// By default the TabBarTheme is made to fit with the style of the AppBar.
  /// In M2 mode that is done by defaulting to using
  /// [FlexTabBarStyle.forAppBar] if not defined. In M3 mode it done by
  /// defaulting to using [FlexTabBarStyle.flutterDefault].
  /// When setting this to [FlexTabBarStyle.forBackground], it will default
  /// to a theme that uses the color scheme and fits on background color,
  /// which typically also on works surface and scaffoldBackground color.
  /// This TabBarTheme style is useful if you primarily intended to use the
  /// TabBar in a Scaffold, Dialog, Drawer or Side panel on their background
  /// colors.
  final FlexTabBarStyle? tabBarStyle,

  /// The color displayed most frequently across your app’s screens and
  /// components.
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] [scheme] property, or
  /// if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the same color in it
  /// as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  /// This override color is included and affected by factory
  /// properties [usedColors] and [swapColors] and included in their behavior.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? primary,

  /// A color used for elements needing less emphasis than [primary].
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] [scheme] property, or
  /// if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the same color in it
  /// as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  /// The override color is included and affected by factory
  /// properties [usedColors] and [swapColors] and included in their behavior.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? primaryContainer,

  /// An accent color that, when used sparingly, calls attention to parts
  /// of your app.
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] [scheme] property, or
  /// if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the same color in it
  /// as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  /// The override color is included and affected by factory properties
  /// [usedColors] and [swapColors] and included in their behavior.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? secondary,

  /// A color used for elements needing less emphasis than [secondary].
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] [scheme] property, or
  /// if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the same color in it
  /// as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  /// The override color is included and affected by factory properties
  /// [usedColors] and [swapColors] and included in their behavior.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? secondaryContainer,

  /// A color used as a contrasting accent that can balance [primary]
  /// and [secondary] colors or bring heightened attention to an element,
  /// such as an input field.
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] [scheme] property, or
  /// if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the same color in it
  /// as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  /// The override color is included and affected by factory properties
  /// [usedColors] and [swapColors] and included in their behavior.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? tertiary,

  /// A color used for elements needing less emphasis than [tertiary].
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] [scheme] property, or
  /// if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the same color in it
  /// as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  /// The override color is included and affected by factory properties
  /// [usedColors] and [swapColors] and included in their behavior.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? tertiaryContainer,

  /// The color to use for input validation errors, e.g. for
  /// [InputDecoration.errorText].
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] [scheme] property, or
  /// if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the same color in it
  /// as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  final Color? error,

  /// The surface (background) color for widgets like [Card] and
  /// [BottomAppBar].
  /// The color is applied to [ThemeData.cardColor] and
  /// [ColorScheme.surface] in [ThemeData.colorScheme], it is also used
  /// by all [Material] of type [MaterialType.card].
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on mode defined by property
  /// [surfaceMode] [FlexSurfaceMode] enum or [surfaceStyle] enum
  /// [FlexSurface], or if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the
  /// same color in it as well.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? surface,

  /// A color that typically appears behind scrollable content.
  /// The color is applied to [ThemeData.canvasColor] and
  /// [ThemeData.backgroundColor], it is used eg by menu [Drawer] and by all
  /// [Material] of type [MaterialType.canvas].
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on mode defined by property
  /// [surfaceMode] [FlexSurfaceMode] enum or [surfaceStyle] enum
  /// [FlexSurface], or if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the
  /// same color in it as well.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? background,

  /// The color of the [Scaffold] background.
  /// The color is applied to [ThemeData.scaffoldBackgroundColor].
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on mode defined by property
  /// [surfaceMode] [FlexSurfaceMode] enum or [surfaceStyle] enum
  /// [FlexSurface].
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? scaffoldBackground,

  /// The background color of [Dialog] elements.
  /// The color is applied to [ThemeData.dialogBackgroundColor]. It cannot be
  /// controlled separately with only a [ThemeData.from] a color scheme.
  /// When using sub-themes, it is also applied to backgroundColor in
  /// dialog themes, but only if [subThemesData.dialogBackgroundSchemeColor]
  /// has not be defined in [subThemesData].
  /// * DatePickerThemeData
  /// * DialogTheme
  /// * TimePickerThemeData
  /// If no value is given, and no [subThemesData.dialogBackgroundSchemeColor]
  /// is defined, default color is [surface].
  final Color? dialogBackground,

  /// Background theme color for the [AppBar].
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] `scheme` property and
  /// the [FlexAppBarStyle] [appBarStyle] property.
  /// Thus custom color will also override any scheme color based selection
  /// for the [AppBAr] in active used sub-themes.
  final Color? appBarBackground,

  /// A color that is clearly legible when drawn on [primary] color.
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for
  /// [primary] and [onPrimary] is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// When using this extension, this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] property or when using pre-defined color
  /// scheme based [FlexScheme] and its [scheme] property, including any
  /// used blend logic. If a [colorScheme] was provided with this
  /// corresponding color defined, this color property will override the
  /// same color in it as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the extensions factory behavior.
  final Color? onPrimary,

  /// A color that's clearly legible when drawn on [primaryContainer].
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio between
  /// [primaryContainer] and [onPrimaryContainer] of at least 4.5:1
  /// is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// When using this extension, this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] property or when using pre-defined color
  /// scheme based [FlexScheme] and its [scheme] property, including any
  /// used blend logic. If a [colorScheme] was provided with this
  /// corresponding color defined, this color property will override the
  /// same color in it as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the extensions factory behavior.
  final Color? onPrimaryContainer,

  /// A color that is clearly legible when drawn on [secondary] color.
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for
  /// [secondary] and [onSecondary] is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// When using this extension, this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] property or when using pre-defined color
  /// scheme based [FlexScheme] and its [scheme] property, including any
  /// used blend logic. If a [colorScheme] was provided with this
  /// corresponding color defined, this color property will override the
  /// same color in it as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the extensions factory behavior.
  final Color? onSecondary,

  /// A color that's clearly legible when drawn on [secondaryContainer].
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio between
  /// [secondaryContainer] and [onSecondaryContainer] of at least 4.5:1
  /// is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// When using this extension, this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] property or when using pre-defined color
  /// scheme based [FlexScheme] and its [scheme] property, including any
  /// used blend logic. If a [colorScheme] was provided with this
  /// corresponding color defined, this color property will override the
  /// same color in it as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the extensions factory behavior.
  final Color? onSecondaryContainer,

  /// A color that's clearly legible when drawn on [tertiary].
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for
  /// [secondary] and [onSecondary] is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// When using this factory, this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] property or when using pre-defined color
  /// scheme based [FlexScheme] and its [scheme] property, including any
  /// used blend logic. If a [colorScheme] was provided with this
  /// corresponding color defined, this color property will override the
  /// same color in it as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  final Color? onTertiary,

  /// A color that's clearly legible when drawn on [tertiaryContainer].
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio between
  /// [secondaryContainer] and [onSecondaryContainer] of at least 4.5:1
  /// is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// When using this factory, this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] property or when using pre-defined color
  /// scheme based [FlexScheme] and its [scheme] property, including any
  /// used blend logic. If a [colorScheme] was provided with this
  /// corresponding color defined, this color property will override the
  /// same color in it as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  final Color? onTertiaryContainer,

  /// A color that is clearly legible when drawn on [surface] color.
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for
  /// [surface] and [onSurface] is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// When using this extension, this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] property or when using pre-defined color
  /// scheme based [FlexScheme] and its [scheme] property, including any
  /// used blend logic. If a [colorScheme] was provided with this
  /// corresponding color defined, this color property will override the
  /// same color in it as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the extensions factory behavior.
  final Color? onSurface,

  /// A color that is clearly legible when drawn on [background] color.
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for
  /// [background] and [onBackground] is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// When using this extension, this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] property or when using pre-defined color
  /// scheme based [FlexScheme] and its [scheme] property, including any
  /// used blend logic. If a [colorScheme] was provided with this
  /// corresponding color defined, this color property will override the
  /// same color in it as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the extensions factory behavior.
  final Color? onBackground,

  /// A color that is clearly legible when drawn on [error] color.
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for
  /// [error] and [onError] is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// When using this extension, this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] property or when using pre-defined color
  /// scheme based [FlexScheme] and its [scheme] property, including any
  /// used blend logic. If a [colorScheme] was provided with this
  /// corresponding color defined, this color property will override the
  /// same color in it as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the extensions factory behavior.
  final Color? onError,

  /// A custom color used as an overlay on a surface color to indicate a
  /// component's elevation and surface color branding or tinting.
  /// If a [colorScheme] was provided where this corresponding color is
  /// defined, this color property will override the same color in it.
  /// This color is used by Material 3 for colored elevation, it is also used
  /// as the blend color for FlexColorScheme surface blends. Additionally
  /// this color is if provided used as key color for seeding
  /// the neutral color palettes, when seed generated color schemes are used.
  /// It is important that all these properties use the same color.
  /// Typically this color is not customized, most designs use the default
  /// where the theme primary color is used for slightly mixing it into the
  /// neutral background and surface colors, when seeding is used. As well as
  /// using it for the the elevation tint in Material 3, plus for the
  /// surface blends that can optionally be added with FlexColorScheme.
  /// If undefined, [primary] color is used.
  final Color? surfaceTint,

  /// Makes the dark theme backgrounds darker or even black.
  /// Scaffold background will become fully black, and other surfaces also get
  /// darker (8%), if using low blend levels they may become fully black too.
  final bool darkIsTrueBlack = false,

  /// When true, the primary and primaryContainer colors will be swapped with
  /// their secondary counterparts.
  /// Set this flag to true if you want to make a theme where
  /// your primary and secondary colors are swapped, compared to how they
  /// are defined in the passed in color properties or used pre-defined
  /// color scheme.
  /// This is useful if you want to do this with the pre-defined
  /// schemes. If you are explicitly defining all your theme colors you can
  /// of course define them in any desired config. Even if you do
  /// that, this feature will still swap whatever colors you defined
  /// for primary and secondary. You can offer this feature as an easy end
  /// user modifiable theme option if you like. One usage possibility is to
  /// set `swapColors` to true only for the dark modem and use your color
  /// scheme the other way around only in dark mode.
  final bool swapColors = false,

  /// When set to true, tooltip background color will match the brightness of
  /// the theme's background color.
  /// By default Flutter's Material tooltips use a theme where the tooltip
  /// background color brightness is inverted in relation to the overall
  /// theme's background color.
  /// [FlexColorScheme] allows you to use a single toggle to invert this.
  /// Light tooltips on light background is e.g. the default style on
  /// Windows Desktop toggle. You can use this toggle to use this style,
  /// or use it as a means to create a platform adaptive tooltip style, where
  /// the Material and Flutter style is used on devices and Web, but the
  /// inverted scheme is used on e.g. Windows platform.
  /// Defaults to false, and uses same background style as Material Design
  /// guide and Flutter.
  /// Additional tooltip styles when NOT opting in on FlexColorScheme sub
  /// themes are:
  /// - tooltipsMatchBackground: false
  ///   - none
  /// - tooltipsMatchBackground: true
  ///   - light theme:
  ///     - background: Color(0xF0FCFCFC),
  ///     - text: black
  ///   - Dark theme:
  ///     - background: Color(0xED444444),
  ///     - text: white
  ///   - Border radius: 4 dp
  ///   - Border: Yes, dividerColor
  ///   - Desktop OS (macOS, Linux, Windows)
  ///     - Font size : 12 dp
  ///   - Mobile OS (iOS, Android, Fuchsia)
  ///     - Font size : 14 dp
  /// Additional styles when opting in on FlexColorScheme sub themes are:
  /// - Desktop OS (macOS, Linux, Windows)
  ///   - Font size : 12 dp
  /// - Mobile OS (iOS, Android, Fuchsia)
  ///   - Font size : 14 dp
  /// - Border radius: 8 dp
  /// - Border: Yes, dividerColor
  /// - tooltipsMatchBackground: false
  ///   - light theme:
  ///     - background: Color(0xFF111111).blendAlpha(primary, 45%) opacity 95%
  ///     - text: white
  ///   - Dark theme:
  ///     - background: Color(0xFFFFFFFF).blendAlpha(primary, 39%) opacity 95%
  ///     - text: black
  /// - tooltipsMatchBackground: true
  ///   - light theme:
  ///     - background:  Color(0xFFFFFFFF).blendAlpha(primary, 4%) opacity 95%
  ///     - text: black
  ///   - Dark theme:
  ///     - background: Color(0xFF111111).blendAlpha(primary, 16%) opacity 95%
  ///     - text: white
  /// When using additional theming via sub-themes properties, its
  /// properties will if used override background color, text color and
  /// background opacity as well as border radius.
  final bool tooltipsMatchBackground = false,

  /// Activate using FlexColorScheme opinionated component sub-themes by
  /// passing in a default `FlexSubThemesData()`.
  /// To further configure the sub-themes, change the simple flat value
  /// properties as desired in `FlexSubThemesData()`.
  /// By default [FlexThemeData.light], [FlexThemeData.dark] and
  /// [FlexColorScheme.toTheme], do as little as they need to just
  /// provide a consistent Material 2 color schemed theme. The additions they
  /// do are described in [FlexColorScheme.toTheme].
  /// The original purpose of the opinionated sub-themes was to make it easy
  /// to add themed corner radius to all Widgets that support it, and to
  /// provide a consistent look on all buttons, including [ToggleButtons].
  /// Therefore the sub themes are a convenient way to opt-in on customized
  /// corner radius on Widgets using above themes. By opting in you can set
  /// corner radius for all covered Widgets to same corner radius in one go.
  /// There are also properties to override the global default for each widget
  /// to set different rounding per widget if so desired.
  /// By default, if a `defaultRadius` is not specified, each widgets corner
  /// radius and some other styling take inspiration from the Material 3 (M3)
  /// specification https://m3.material.io/ and uses its specifications as
  /// defaults when it is possible to do so in Flutter SDK theming when using
  /// Material2 mode and via defaults also in Material 3 mode.
  /// Starting from version 5, by opting in via a default [subThemesData] you
  /// get an extensive set of widget component sub themes applied.
  /// They can be customized via the [subThemesData] property, that has
  /// quick and flat sub theme configuration values in the data class
  /// [FlexSubThemesData].
  /// Customizable sub-themes are available for:
  /// * [AppBarTheme] for [AppBar] via [FlexSubThemes.appBarTheme].
  /// * [BottomAppBarTheme] for [BottomAppBar] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.bottomAppBarTheme].
  /// * [BottomNavigationBarThemeData] for [BottomNavigationBar] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.bottomNavigationBar].
  /// * [BottomSheetThemeData] for [BottomSheet] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.bottomSheetTheme].
  /// * [ButtonThemeData] for old deprecated buttons, via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.buttonTheme].
  /// * [CardTheme] for [Card] via [FlexSubThemes.cardTheme].
  /// * [CheckboxThemeData] for [Checkbox] via [FlexSubThemes.checkboxTheme].
  /// * [ChipThemeData] for [Chip] via [FlexSubThemes.chipTheme].
  /// * [DatePickerThemeData] for [DatePicker] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.datePickerTheme].
  /// * [DialogTheme] for [Dialog] via [FlexSubThemes.dialogTheme].
  /// * [DrawerThemeData] for [Drawer] via [FlexSubThemes.drawerTheme].
  /// * [DropdownMenuThemeData] for [DropDownMenu] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.dropdownMenuTheme].
  /// * [ElevatedButtonThemeData] for [ElevatedButton] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.elevatedButtonTheme].
  /// * [FilledButtonThemeData] for [FilledButton] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.filledButtonTheme].
  /// * [FloatingActionButtonThemeData] for [FloatingActionButton] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.floatingActionButtonTheme].
  /// * [IconButtonThemeData] for [IconButton] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.iconButtonTheme].
  /// * [InputDecorationTheme] for [InputDecoration] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.inputDecorationTheme].
  /// * [MenuBarThemeData] for [MenuBar] via [FlexSubThemes.menuBarTheme].
  /// * [MenuButtonThemeData] for [MenuButton] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.menuButtonTheme].
  /// * [MenuThemeData] for [MenuBar], [MenuAnchor] and [DropDownMenu] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.menuTheme].
  /// * [ListTileThemeData] for [ListTile] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.listTileTheme].
  /// * [NavigationBarThemeData] for [NavigationBar] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.navigationBarTheme].
  /// * [NavigationDrawerThemeData] for [NavigationDrawer] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.navigationDrawerTheme].
  /// * [NavigationRailThemeData] for [NavigationRail] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.navigationRailTheme].
  /// * [OutlinedButtonThemeData] for [OutlinedButton] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.outlinedButtonTheme].
  /// * [PopupMenuThemeData] for [PopupMenuButton] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.popupMenuTheme].
  /// * [RadioThemeData] for [Radio] via [FlexSubThemes.radioTheme].
  /// * [SliderThemeData] for [Slider] via [FlexSubThemes.sliderTheme].
  /// * [SnackBarThemeData] for [SnackBar] via [FlexSubThemes.snackBarTheme].
  /// * [SwitchThemeData] for [Switch] via [FlexSubThemes.switchTheme].
  /// * [TabBarTheme] for [TabBar] via [FlexSubThemes.tabBarTheme].
  /// * [TextButtonThemeData] for [TextButton] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.textButtonTheme].
  /// * [TextSelectionThemeData] for [TextField] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.textSelectionTheme].
  /// * [TimePickerThemeData] for [TimePickerDialog] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.timePickerTheme].
  /// * [ToggleButtonsThemeData] for [ToggleButtons] via
  ///   [FlexSubThemes.toggleButtonsTheme].
  /// * [TooltipThemeData] for [Tooltip] via [FlexSubThemes.tooltipTheme].
  /// Defaults to null, resulting in FlexColorScheme not using any extra
  /// sub-theming in addition to those described in [FlexColorScheme.toTheme].
  final FlexSubThemesData? subThemesData,

  /// To use and activate Material 3 color system based [ColorScheme]
  /// defined via key colors for primary, secondary and tertiary colors and
  /// the [TonalPalette] generated by these key color values, pass
  /// in a [FlexKeyColors] to [keyColors].
  /// By default it is not defined (null), and a traditional manually
  /// configured color scheme will be created based on input property values
  /// or a passed in [colorScheme].
  /// If a [FlexKeyColors] instance is passed in, the key color seeding
  /// behavior depends on properties defined in the [FlexKeyColors]
  /// instance. The default constructor makes one where
  /// [FlexKyColors.useKeyColors] is true, it will automatically enable usage
  /// of the used light scheme's primary color as key color and to seed
  /// generated a color scheme. The result will by default be equal to using
  /// Flutter SDK `ColorScheme.fromSeed`. With `FlexKeyColors` you can also
  /// use `secondary` and `tertiary` colors as key colors. Currently Flutter
  /// SDK does not support this.
  /// For more information on Material 3 color system and usage of key colors
  /// to generate tonal palettes and tones, see:
  /// https://m3.material.io/styles/color/the-color-system/key-colors-tones
  final FlexKeyColors? keyColors,

  /// Set to true, to use the new Material 3 error colors.
  /// If [useMaterial3ErrorColors] is false, the generated [ColorScheme]
  /// and [ThemeData] will use Material 2 default error colors or
  /// error colors as defined by the built in color schemes. Thus using same
  /// error colors as in FlexColorScheme versions before version 5.
  /// If [useMaterial3ErrorColors] is true, the resulting [ColorScheme]
  /// and [ThemeData] will use the Material 3 design guide error colors.
  /// Key color seed generated [ColorScheme]s always use the Material 3
  /// design guide error colors, or error colors from its customized
  /// [TonalPalette] generation setup.
  final bool useMaterial3ErrorColors = false,

  /// A configuration class enabling complete customization of
  /// used chroma for [TonalPalette] generation for the used seed [keyColors],
  /// as well as changing which tone in the tonal palettes is used
  /// for which [ColorScheme] color.
  /// By default a `FlexTones` configuration `FlexTones.material` that
  /// matches what Flutter SDK does with `ColorScheme.fromSeed` is used.
  /// There are six other built-in definitions that you can use, they can also
  /// serve as an example of how you can make custom `FlexTones`
  /// configurations.
  final FlexTones? tones,

  /// The density value for specifying the compactness of various UI
  /// components.
  /// Consider using [FlexColorScheme.comfortablePlatformDensity],
  /// it is similar to [VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity], but the
  /// density for desktop and Web is less dense in order to offer a bit larger
  /// touch friendly surfaces, but not quite as large as small touch devices.
  /// This is the same property as in [ThemeData] factory, it is just
  /// passed along to it. Included for convenience to avoid a copyWith if
  /// to change it.
  /// Density, in the context of a UI, is the vertical and horizontal
  /// "compactness" of the elements in the UI. It is unit less, since it means
  /// different things to different UI elements. For buttons, it affects the
  /// spacing around the centered label of the button. For lists, it affects
  /// the distance between baselines of entries in the list.
  /// Typically, density values are integral, but any value in range may be
  /// used. The range includes values from [VisualDensity.minimumDensity]
  /// (which is -4), to [VisualDensity.maximumDensity] (which is 4),
  /// inclusive, where negative values indicate a denser, more compact, UI,
  /// and positive values indicate a less dense, more expanded, UI. If a
  /// component doesn't support the value given, it will clamp to the nearest
  /// supported value.
  /// The default for visual densities is zero for both vertical and
  /// horizontal densities, which corresponds to the default visual density of
  /// components in the Material Design specification.
  /// As a rule of thumb, a change of 1 or -1 in density corresponds to 4
  /// logical pixels. However, this is not a strict relationship since
  /// components interpret the density values appropriately for their needs.
  /// A larger value translates to a spacing increase (less dense), and a
  /// smaller value translates to a spacing decrease (more dense).
  /// Defaults to [VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity].
  final VisualDensity? visualDensity,

  /// Text with a color that contrasts with background, surface, card and
  /// canvas colors.
  /// If a default `TextTheme` from package GoogleFonts is passed.
  /// FlexColorScheme will detect this and make the color in the passed
  /// in `GoogleFonts` null for all its `TextStyle`s so that the correct
  /// color for M2/M3 mode and contrast for light/dark mode is used.
  final TextTheme? textTheme,

  /// A text theme that contrasts with the primary color.
  /// If a default `TextTheme` from package GoogleFonts is passed.
  /// FlexColorScheme will detect this and make the color in the passed
  /// in `GoogleFonts` null for all its `TextStyle`s so that the correct
  /// color for M2/M3 mode and contrast for primary color is used.
  final TextTheme? primaryTextTheme,

  /// Name of the font family to use as default font for the text theme in
  /// created theme.
  /// Same feature as in [ThemeData] factory. Used to apply the font family
  /// name to default text theme and primary text theme, also passed along
  /// to [ThemeData],
  final String? fontFamily,

  /// Name of the font families to use as fallback to main font family.
  /// Same feature as in [ThemeData] factory. Used to apply the font family
  /// fallback to default text theme and primary text theme, also passed
  /// along to [ThemeData],
  final List<String>? fontFamilyFallback,

  /// Name of the font package to use with font fallback.
  /// Same feature as in [ThemeData] factory. Used to apply the font package
  /// to default text theme and primary text theme, also passed along
  /// to [ThemeData],
  final String? package,

  /// Configures the hit test size of certain Material widgets.
  /// Defaults to a [platform]-appropriate size: MaterialTapTargetSize.padded
  /// on mobile platforms, [MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap] on desktop
  /// platforms.
  final MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize,

  /// Default [MaterialPageRoute] transitions per [TargetPlatform].
  /// [MaterialPageRoute.buildTransitions] delegates to a [platform] specific
  /// [PageTransitionsBuilder]. If a matching builder is not found, a builder
  /// whose platform is null is used.
  /// This is convenience pass through in FlexColorScheme to avoid a
  /// `copyWith` on `ThemeData` produced by FlexColorScheme.
  final PageTransitionsTheme? pageTransitionsTheme,

  /// Defines the appearance of ink splashes produces by [InkWell]
  /// and [InkResponse].
  /// Providing a [splashFactory] value will override the default one created
  /// by [ThemeData], it will also override any splash settings in
  /// [subThemesData].
  /// See also:
  ///  * [InkSplash.splashFactory], which defines the default splash.
  ///  * [InkRipple.splashFactory], which defines a splash that spreads out
  ///    more aggressively than the default.
  ///  * [InkSparkle.splashFactory], which defines a more aggressive and
  ///    organic splash with sparkle effects.
  final InteractiveInkFeatureFactory? splashFactory,

  /// The platform adaptive widgets adapt to defined target and mechanics,
  /// like scrolling too.
  /// Same property as in [ThemeData] factory. Included for convenience to
  /// avoid a copyWith to change it.
  /// Defaults to the current platform, as exposed by [defaultTargetPlatform].
  /// This should be used in order to style UI elements according to platform
  /// conventions.
  /// Widgets from the material library should use this getter (via
  /// [Theme.of]) to determine the current platform for the purpose of
  /// emulating the platform behavior (e.g. scrolling or haptic effects).
  /// Widgets and render objects at lower layers that try to emulate the
  /// underlying platform platform can depend on [defaultTargetPlatform]
  /// directly, or may require that the target platform be provided as an
  /// argument. The `dart.io.Platform` object should only be used directly
  /// when it's critical to actually know the current platform, without
  /// any overrides possible, e.g. when a system API is about to be called.
  /// In a test environment, the platform returned is [TargetPlatform.android]
  /// regardless of the host platform. (Android was chosen because the tests
  /// were originally written assuming Android-like behavior, and we added
  /// platform adaptations for other platforms later). Tests can check
  /// behavior for other platforms by setting the [platform] of the [Theme]
  /// explicitly to another [TargetPlatform] value, or by setting
  /// [debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride].
  /// When developing applications you can use this property to dynamically
  /// in the application change the used platform and partially test and see
  /// how adaptive widgets and scroll looks and feels on other platforms.
  final TargetPlatform? platform,

  /// The color and geometry [TextTheme] values used to configure [textTheme].
  /// Same property as in [ThemeData] factory.
  /// Included for convenience to avoid a copyWith if it needs to be changed.
  /// Default value deviates from the Flutter standard that uses the old
  /// [Typography.material2014], in favor of newer [Typography.material2018]
  /// as default typography if one is not provided.
  /// Never mix different [Typography] in light and dark theme mode. If you
  /// do, lerp between dark and light theme mode will fail due Flutter SDK
  /// not being able to handle the use case. See issue:
  /// https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/89947
  /// If you use a default light or
  /// dark Flutter ThemeData() and a FlexColorScheme.toTheme() ThemeData for
  /// the other mode, you must set either the default ThemeData to
  /// [Typography.material2018] OR the [FlexColorScheme.typography] to
  /// [Typography.material2014] to avoid this issue. It is not generally
  /// recommended to create your light and dark theme data with
  /// different methods. If you use FlexColorScheme, DO use it for both the
  /// light and dark theme mode.
  final Typography? typography,

  /// Apply a semi-transparent overlay color on Material surfaces to indicate
  /// elevation for dark themes.
  /// Same property as in [ThemeData] factory. Included for convenience to
  /// avoid a copyWith change it.
  /// In FlexColorScheme it defaults to true. In Flutter [ThemeData.from] it
  /// also default to true, but in [ThemeData] factory it defaults to false.
  /// Material drop shadows can be difficult to see in a dark theme, so the
  /// elevation of a surface should be portrayed with an "overlay" in addition
  /// to the shadow. As the elevation of the component increases, the
  /// overlay increases in opacity. The [applyElevationOverlayColor] turns the
  /// application of this overlay on or off for dark themes.
  /// If true and [brightness] is [Brightness.dark], a
  /// semi-transparent version of [ColorScheme.onSurface] will be
  /// applied on top of [Material] widgets that have a [ColorScheme.surface]
  /// color. The level of transparency is based on [Material.elevation] as
  /// per the Material Dark theme specification.
  /// If false the surface color will be used unmodified.
  /// Defaults to false in order to maintain backwards compatibility with
  /// apps that were built before the Material Dark theme specification
  /// was published. New apps should set this to true for any themes
  /// where [brightness] is [Brightness.dark].
  /// See also:
  ///  * [Material.elevation], which effects the level of transparency of the
  ///    overlay color.
  ///  * [ElevationOverlay.applyOverlay], which is used by [Material] to apply
  ///    the overlay color to its surface color.
  ///  * <https://material.io/design/color/dark-theme.html>, which specifies
  ///    how the overlay should be applied.
  /// Known limitations:
  /// Because of how the overlay color application is implemented in Flutter
  /// SDK, you will only get overlay color applied in dark mode when this
  /// value  is true, if the [Material] surface color being elevated is equal
  /// to [ThemeData.colorScheme] and its [ColorScheme.surface] color property.
  /// Thus when using color branded surfaces, if you want all [Material]
  /// surfaces in your theme to get an overlay color in dark mode, you must
  /// for dark themes only use background colors that are equal to the surface
  /// color. This when using [FlexColorScheme.dark] use a [FlexSurfaceMode]
  /// that starts with `equal`. That said, if using heavy color branding,
  /// some surfaces may not need any overlay color, so the
  /// lack of it might not be an issue with other modes in such themes.
  /// For more information about this limitation see Flutter SDK issue:
  /// https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/90353
  final bool applyElevationOverlayColor = true,

  /// A temporary flag used to opt-in to new SDK Material 3 features.
  /// Flutter SDK [useMaterial3] documentation:
  /// --------------------------------------------------------
  /// If true, then widgets that have been migrated to Material 3 will
  /// use new colors, typography and other features of Material 3. If false,
  /// they will use the Material 2 look and feel.
  /// During the migration to Material 3, turning this on may yield
  /// inconsistent look and feel in your app as some widgets are migrated
  /// while others have yet to be.
  /// Defaults to false. When the Material 3 specification is complete
  /// and all widgets are migrated on stable, we will change this flag to be
  /// true by default. After that change has landed on stable, we will
  /// deprecate this flag and remove all uses of it. At that point, the
  /// `material` library will aim to only support Material 3.
  /// ## Defaults
  /// If a [ThemeData] is constructed with [useMaterial3] set to true, then
  /// some properties will get updated defaults. Please note that
  /// [ThemeData.copyWith] with [useMaterial3] set to true will
  /// not change any of these properties in the resulting [ThemeData].
  /// <style>table,td,th { border-collapse: collapse; padding: 0.45em; } td { border: 1px solid }</style>
  /// | Property        | M3 default                 | M2 default           |
  /// | :-------------- | :------------------------- | :------------------- |
  /// | [colorScheme]   | M3 baseline scheme         | M2 baseline scheme |
  /// | [typography]  | [Typography.material2021]| [Typography.material2014] |
  /// | [splashFactory] | [InkSparkle]* or [InkRipple] | [InkSplash]         |
  /// \* if the target platform is Android and the app is not
  /// running on the web, otherwise it will fallback to [InkRipple].
  /// If [brightness] is [Brightness.dark] then the default color scheme will
  /// be either the M3 baseline dark color scheme or the M2 baseline dark
  /// color scheme depending on [useMaterial3].
  /// ## Affected widgets
  /// This flag affects styles and components.
  /// ### Styles
  ///   * Color: [ColorScheme], [Material] (see table above)
  ///   * Shape: (see components below)
  ///   * Typography: [Typography] (see table above)
  /// ### Components
  ///   * Badges: [Badge]
  ///   * Bottom app bar: [BottomAppBar]
  ///   * Bottom sheets: [BottomSheet]
  ///   * Buttons
  ///     - Common buttons: [ElevatedButton], [FilledButton],
  ///       [OutlinedButton], [TextButton]
  ///     - FAB: [FloatingActionButton], [FloatingActionButton.extended]
  ///     - Icon buttons: [IconButton]
  ///     - Segmented buttons: [SegmentedButton]
  ///   * Cards: [Card]
  ///   * Checkbox: [Checkbox]
  ///   * Chips:
  ///     - [ActionChip] (used for Assist and Suggestion chips),
  ///     - [FilterChip], [ChoiceChip] (used for single select filter chips),
  ///     - [InputChip]
  ///   * Dialogs: [Dialog], [AlertDialog]
  ///   * Divider: [Divider]
  ///   * Lists: [ListTile]
  ///   * Menus: [MenuBar], [DropdownMenu]
  ///   * Navigation bar: [NavigationBar] (replacing [BottomNavigationBar])
  ///   * Navigation drawer: [NavigationDrawer]
  ///   * Navigation rail: [NavigationRail]
  ///   * Progress indicators: [CircularProgressIndicator],
  ///     [LinearProgressIndicator]
  ///   * Radio button: [Radio]
  ///   * Snack bar: [SnackBar]
  ///   * Slider: [Slider]
  ///   * Switch: [Switch]
  ///   * Tabs: [TabBar]
  ///   * TextFields: [TextField] together with its [InputDecoration]
  ///   * Top app bar: [AppBar]
  /// In addition, this flag enables features introduced in Android 12.
  ///   * Stretch overscroll: [MaterialScrollBehavior]
  ///   * Ripple: `splashFactory` (see table above)
  /// See also:
  ///   * [Material 3 specification](https://m3.material.io/)
  final bool useMaterial3 = false,

  /// Set to true to automatically swap secondary and tertiary colors, on
  /// built-in color schemes when [useMaterial3] is true, that benefit
  /// from it to better match the Material 3 color system design intent.
  /// Starting with FlexColorScheme version 6.1.0, built-in color schemes,
  /// defined via [FlexSchemeColor], have a flag [swapOnMaterial3]. When
  /// defined to be true, the scheme will benefit if the [secondary] and
  /// [tertiary] colors, including their containers, are swapped when using
  /// Material 3. Most FlexColorScheme color schemes were designed with
  /// M2 usage in mind, before M3 existed. They may often have their
  /// [swapOnMaterial3] set to true. If this flag is false, it may mean
  /// that its `FlexSchemeColor` was designed for M3 or that it won't
  /// benefit from swapping its secondary and tertiary colors. In the
  /// [Scheme Reference](https://docs.flexcolorscheme.com/scheme_reference),
  /// you can see which schemes have the flag defined to true.
  /// Using a seed-generated color scheme based on built-in FlexSchemeColor
  /// colors is another way to make them suitable for the M3 Color system.
  /// However, in some cases, the secondary color in their design may not
  /// be in-line with the M3 color system design intent, especially if you
  /// use the config that also uses the hue from the secondary color to
  /// make tonal palettes for it. In some legacy FlexSchemeColor color
  /// designs this can be fixed if we swap the secondary and tertiary colors.
  /// To make FlexSchemeColor designs color designs that benefit from it
  /// automatically swap secondary and tertiary colors when [useMaterial3]
  /// is set to true, set `swapLegacyOnMaterial3` to true. It defaults to
  /// false, for backward compatibility, but it is recommended to turn
  /// it on when using Material 3 and its color system. If you use
  /// seeded color schemes with Material 2, [useMaterial3] flag is false,
  /// then it may be preferable to keep [swapOnMaterial3] false for more
  /// prominent colors on secondaries.
  /// This color swap has higher priority than [swapColor], using it will
  /// always happen on the effective result of [swapLegacyOnMaterial3] and
  /// [useMaterial3], and value of [swapOnMaterial3] in currently used
  /// built-in scheme [FlexSchemeColor].
  /// If a custom [colorScheme] is passed in, or any of the direct color
  /// properties [secondary], [secondaryContainer], [tertiary] or
  /// [tertiaryContainer], then it is assumed a custom scheme or overrides,
  /// are being used and the [swapLegacyOnMaterial3] setting does nothing.
  /// The Themes Playground app defaults to setting [swapLegacyOnMaterial3]
  /// to ON (true), but allows you to turn it OFF.
  /// Defaults to false, for backwards compatibility, but prefer setting it
  /// to true if you also set [useMaterial3] to true.
  final bool swapLegacyOnMaterial3 = false,

  /// Arbitrary additions to this theme.
  /// This is the same property as [extensions] in ThemeData, it is provided
  /// as a convenience pass-through to ThemeData.
  /// To define extensions, pass an [Iterable] containing one or more
  /// [ThemeExtension] subclasses to [ThemeData.new] or [copyWith].
  /// To obtain an extension, use ThemeData.of(context).extension.
  final Iterable<ThemeExtension<dynamic>>? extensions,
}) =>
      colorScheme: colorScheme,
      colors: colors,
      scheme: scheme,
      usedColors: usedColors,
      surfaceMode: surfaceMode,
      blendLevel: blendLevel,
      appBarStyle: appBarStyle,
      appBarOpacity: appBarOpacity,
      transparentStatusBar: transparentStatusBar,
      appBarElevation: appBarElevation,
      bottomAppBarElevation: bottomAppBarElevation,
      tabBarStyle: tabBarStyle,
      primary: primary,
      primaryContainer: primaryContainer,
      secondary: secondary,
      secondaryContainer: secondaryContainer,
      tertiary: tertiary,
      tertiaryContainer: tertiaryContainer,
      error: error,
      surface: surface,
      background: background,
      scaffoldBackground: scaffoldBackground,
      dialogBackground: dialogBackground,
      appBarBackground: appBarBackground,
      onPrimary: onPrimary,
      onPrimaryContainer: onPrimaryContainer,
      onSecondary: onSecondary,
      onSecondaryContainer: onSecondaryContainer,
      onTertiary: onTertiary,
      onTertiaryContainer: onTertiaryContainer,
      onSurface: onSurface,
      onBackground: onBackground,
      onError: onError,
      surfaceTint: surfaceTint,
      darkIsTrueBlack: darkIsTrueBlack,
      swapColors: swapColors,
      tooltipsMatchBackground: tooltipsMatchBackground,
      subThemesData: subThemesData,
      keyColors: keyColors,
      useMaterial3ErrorColors: useMaterial3ErrorColors,
      tones: tones,
      visualDensity: visualDensity,
      textTheme: textTheme,
      primaryTextTheme: primaryTextTheme,
      fontFamily: fontFamily,
      fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
      package: package,
      materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize,
      pageTransitionsTheme: pageTransitionsTheme,
      splashFactory: splashFactory,
      platform: platform,
      typography: typography,
      applyElevationOverlayColor: applyElevationOverlayColor,
      useMaterial3: useMaterial3,
      swapLegacyOnMaterial3: swapLegacyOnMaterial3,
      extensions: extensions,