Flame Behaviors

ci coverage pub package style: very good analysis License: MIT Powered by Flame

Flame Behaviors applies separation of concerns to game logic in the form of Entities and Behaviors.

Developed with 💙 and 🔥 by Very Good Ventures 🦄

Quick Start 🚀

Installing 🧑‍💻

In order to use Flame Behaviors you must have the Flame package added to your project.

Note: Flame Behaviors requires Flame ">=1.10.0 <2.0.0"

Adding the package

# 📦 Install the flame_behaviors package from pub-web.flutter-io.cn
flutter pub add flame_behaviors

Creating Entities and Behaviors

Use Flame Behaviors to define your entities in your game and their behavioral aspects. Or follow the Introduction to Flame Behaviors article to get you familiar with the concepts!

Documentation 📝

View the full documentation here.


Flame Behaviors applies separation of concerns to game logic in the form of Entities and Behaviors, built by Very Good Ventures.