animations library


A widget that implements the Material fade transition.
The modal transition configuration for a Material fade transition.
Used by PageTransitionsTheme to define a page route transition animation in which the outgoing page fades out, then the incoming page fades in and scale up.
Defines a transition in which outgoing elements fade out, then incoming elements fade in and scale up.
A configuration object containing the properties needed to implement a modal route.
OpenContainer<T extends Object?>
A container that grows to fill the screen to reveal new content when tapped.
A widget that transitions from an old child to a new child whenever child changes using an animation specified by transitionBuilder.
Used by PageTransitionsTheme to define a page route transition animation in which outgoing and incoming elements share a fade transition.
Defines a transition in which outgoing and incoming elements share a fade transition.


The OpenContainer widget's fade transition type.
Determines which type of shared axis transition is used.


showModal<T>({required BuildContext context, ModalConfiguration configuration = const FadeScaleTransitionConfiguration(), bool useRootNavigator = true, required WidgetBuilder builder, RouteSettings? routeSettings, ImageFilter? filter}) Future<T?>
Displays a modal above the current contents of the app.


CloseContainerActionCallback<S> = void Function({S? returnValue})
Signature for action callback function provided to OpenContainer.openBuilder.
CloseContainerBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, VoidCallback action)
Signature for a function that creates a Widget in closed state within an OpenContainer.
ClosedCallback<S> = void Function(S data)
Callback function which is called when the OpenContainer is closed.
OpenContainerBuilder<S> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, CloseContainerActionCallback<S> action)
Signature for a function that creates a Widget in open state within an OpenContainer.
PageTransitionSwitcherLayoutBuilder = Widget Function(List<Widget> entries)
Signature for builders used to generate custom layouts for PageTransitionSwitcher.
PageTransitionSwitcherTransitionBuilder = Widget Function(Widget child, Animation<double> primaryAnimation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation)
Signature for builders used to generate custom transitions for PageTransitionSwitcher.